Mitä jos olisin kadonnut kertakaikkiaan?

Parin kuukauden aikaisia ajatelmia, jotka sopivat nykyiseen korona tilanteeseen. Mitä jos sairastun koska en pidä itsestäni huolta ja kuolisin? Kuinka monia se satuttaisi? Liian monia ja itseäni vuoksi haluan pysyä turvassa, haluan nähdä mitä elämä tuo tullessaan.

Sarjisfestarit Nastolaan

Olen mukana järjestämässä sarjakuva festareita Nastolaan kesäksi. Asiat ovat vielä aluillaan ja vailla vastauksia, mutta innostusta ja tarmoa riittää !

In English

Peikko: Nastola is trulynin middle of nowhere

Responsible person: Comic festival will be arranged at an old city hall at the summer

All talk about following subjects: Comicbook festivals at Nastola. Panels. How big is the city hall? Artists ally? Art exhibition. Other festival programme. Marketing.

Responsible people: Thus festival will be great!

Peikko: I’m actually being part of building comic festival !

—> sparkle of inspiration

Vanhoja naamoja

Töihin haetaan minulle kollegaa, enkä osannut odottaa näkeväni tuttuja (paitsi Mimeklouta) pyrkimään kyseiseen pestiin.

In English

Work ghost: You can sit at our break room and talk or ask stuff from Peikko

Peikko: ?

Peikko + friend: You?

Friend: Are you also trying to get the job from here?

Peikko: I actually have worked here for a while

Peikko: Hiw wonderfully odd to meet familiar faces at work

Mimeklou: Hi peikko!

My boss: Have you told about this job to all your friends? Hehe

Syntinen varokoon

Sattumalta uskonnollinen taho yritti soittaa lukiessani fanficiä epämääräistä aiheista. Uskon heidän kehittäneen itselleen hämähäkkicövaiston kaltaisia voimia jotka havaitsevat minunlaisena peikot jo kaukaa.

In English

Peikko: It was a great fanfic! I will leave a comment too.

Box: Somewhere else

Ghost: Oh no!

Ghost: My religious powers warns me that someone is reading and supporting sin!

Ghost: We must act now!

Peikko’s phono: Religious group is calling to you!

Peikko: How did they know?

Hyvää asiakaspalvelua

In English
Cashier: Do you want me to put your book in a plastic bag? It’s nasty when pages get wet

Peikko: Oh yes, thank you!

Cashier: I once borrowed a book for a friend abd they broke it’s back. I was so angry!

Peikko: Nasty business

Peikko: I had a friend who put my book full of dog ears.

Cashier: Yrgh!

Peikko and cashier: Books books books!

Peikko: Thank you!

Cashier: Bye

Peikko: Great customer service! Dingus! My bag is too heavy. Thankfully I live close by

Kiusattu lähiönoita

I listened all audiobooks of “Taika Taksinen” book series.

Peikko: Only three books? I wonder have Siri Kolu wrote something else?

Those books brought back memories. I related strongly to Taika Takinen who was villain of the book.

Kids yelling to Taika: No one wants to be your friend. UGLY. STUPID. NO FRIENDS FOR YOU.


Bullied girl turned into powerhungry woman who got what she wanted People admired her and no one had power lr abilities to bully her ever again.

Still, power didn’t bring happiness to the lonely woman.

I realised how much I desired power Taika had in the books. She had power to be invincible.

My greatest fear is to be isolated and ignored. Same fear lived strongly in Taika Taksinen

Bullying can leave you full of scars that might never heal. Instead those rot your body and destroy it piece by piece mentally and/or physically. It might destroy your relationships and everything else until there isn’t anything left behind.

My bullying experiences made me fantasise and design my own death for years.

I dont know, why there is people who say bullying is not a big deal? Bullying changes everyone, it affects who we trust and let be part of our society. We live the era of bullying.

Word rasism is under the cross.

At least I didn’t come and will not come witch like Taika Taksinen. Thankfully I hahe friends and therapy.

Death: and still you turned out as an odd creature

Varoitus! Ajatukseni lähti vaeltamaan voimakkaasti! Kiusaaminen menee ihon alle enkä osannut odottaa sitä kyseisestä kirjasarjasta.